Śrīla Prabhupāda — Founder-Ācārya ISKCON

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This work, Śrīla Prabhupāda: The Founder-Ācāryaof ISKCON, authored by Ravīndra Svarūpa Dāsa, is officially endorsed byISKCON’s Governing Body Commission (GBC).
The GBC requests all devotees and friends of ISKCON to give deep and careful attention to this work. To do so will
broaden our collective understanding of, and appreciation for, the position of Śrīla Prabhupāda and his unique role in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
In this regard, the strategic planning team was acutely aware that the near future would confront ISKCON with a critical challenge: the unavoidable transition to a time when all devotees with direct experience of its Founder-Ācārya are gone. This imminent loss became an additional incentive for the work of the Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Position Committee (SPPC). All its members understood that Śrīla Prabhupāda should be no less a presence to subsequent generations than he has been to the first. (Indeed, some believed, he could be even more.) How to facilitate this? How to foster in all devotees in ISKCON, generation after generation, an ever-increasing awareness of their deep connection with its Founder-Ācārya, so that all encounter him as a living presence in their lives? How will his mission, his teachings, his vision, his determination, his mercy, become one with each and every beating heart?
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